Thursday, August 18, 2011

Case Study

Pollution and climate change
Paul is a garbage collector employed by the city of Cape Town. After a long staining day of hard work, he took the usual bus on his way home, when he saw a mother throwing an empty package of biscuits out of the window. He realised that people are so irresponsible and disrespectful toward the environment. He thought that if everybody was throwing garbage at the same time, how badly damaged the environment would be.  He reckoned though it is to collect, store, separate and recycle all the garbage from the streets, and realised how unbearable it would be to collect from industrial waste and marine pollution and how all those pollutions affect the ecosystem..... 
  Case analysis
1-      Recognise potential issues and major topics in the case. What is about? Underline terms or phrases that seem to be important to understand in this case. Then list 3 or 4 biology-related topics in this case.
2-      What specific questions do you have about this topic? By yourself, or better yet, in a group, list what you already know about this case in “What do I know?” column. List question you would like to learn more about in “What do I need to know?” column.
What do I know
What do I need to know

3-      Put a check mark by 1-3 questions or issues from the “What do I need to know?” list that you think are most important to explore.
4-      What kind of references or resources would help you answer or explore these questions? Identify two different resources and explain what information each resource is likely to give that will help you answers the question(s). Choose specific resources.
Core investigation
1-      Cite all different pollution known, their causes and consequences. 
2- Find the countries the most polluted and define their level of development.
3- What are the consequences of pollution  on human health?
4- Look for the action of CO2 on the greenhouse and define what is climate change.
5- What are the causes and the consequences of climate change?