The Lorax is a story for children written by Dr Seuss and published for the first time in 1971. The story is about a Once-Ler who found a place where Truffula Trees were growing, Brown Bar-ba-loots were joyfully playing and fish humming. He decided to make clothes using the tufs from the Truffula Trees. After selling one of his product his had the idea of biggering his production. Then he called all his aunts and uncles to come to help him. Therefore, they had to cut more Truffula Trees, so the Once-Ler invented a Super-Axe-Hacker which cut four trees at once. The lorax was always warning him about this tree-cut, telling “I am speaking for the trees”. The cut of the tree has consequences on the others animals. Brown Bar-ba-loots left because they can found Truffula fruits anymore, Swomee-Swans left because of the smoke in the air and the Humming-Fish left water because their gills are gummed. The Once-Ler kept on cutting the Truffula Trees until they are finished. After that he left the area.
This story for children his very helpful to teach students about the importance of preserving the environment. The Lorax who speak for the tree is the defender of the environment. Today we can see the same scenario. With the improvement of the technology and the industrial revolution, human have badly affected the nature. Deforestation is the result of the cut of tree for industrial purposes. Therefore the animals in the forest are instable because their natural environment has been disturbed. Then, the industrialisation brings with it all consequences such as emission of gases in the atmosphere and release of industrial waste in the nature or in rivers. It is what we observed today consequently, pollution. “The Lorax” is a good story to get students acquainted with the issues about environment and pollution.
- Dr Seuss, The Lorax, The Classique collection.